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Practice Area

01. Insolvency Law

Insolvency Law

We specialize in the following: 

The liquidations of companies and close corporations, the sequestration of natural persons as well as trusts. What we offer: 

  • We are able to advise you accurately and promptly regarding all insolvency related matters.

  • We will not liquidate or sequestrate unless we have explained everything to a prospective client to his/her satisfaction.

  • We are able to make an end to your financial distress and we are able to put you out of your financial misery. 

  • We don't say farewell to a client after a sequestration or liquidation order has been given. We walk the whole mile and even the extra mile with a client and assist him/her during meetings (if any) with the trustee/liquidator and represent the client during insolvency inquiries. Last-mentioned occurs more and more nowadays and at no extra fee, we will assist you during such proceedings. 

  • Rehabilitation of estates once the insolvent qualifies to apply for his/her rehabilitation with reference to time periods applicable as stipulated by the rules relating to insolvency matters. 

  • We complete liquidation and sequestration processes as quick as it can possible be done according to the rules applicable to such processes.

  • We are able to advise directors of companies on all aspects of the Insolvency Act and Companies Act and we also defend directors and other officials of companies and close corporations or individuals against any claims against them like fraudulent transactions or reckless trading through companies. 


 26 Years of Accumulated Practice Experience

Contact us now for entrusted legal services

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